Our Packaged Explosives

Explogel V6

Explogel V6

A water gel cartridge, water resistant with increased high gas volume enough to blast hard rocks. It is s...

Emex 70

Emex 70

A high energy explosive cartridge with high detonation velocity, water resistant suitable for hard rock b...

Superpower 90

Superpower 90

Superpower 90® is a highly strength package, sensitive to detonation, water resistant with good fragment...



A high energy emulsion, very resistant in water, has solid sensitizer for shock waves of blast holes, sui...

Kubela 420

Kubela 420

A dry gel and stiff explosive, very resistant to water, easy to control while loading and safe to use. It...

Trojan Cast Booster

Trojan Cast Booster

A cartridge with high detonating velocity, high density than water, suitable for small blast holes, deliv...

Pentolite Booster

Pentolite Booster

A cartridge that detonates at great detonating pressure, very high velocity and temperature. It can be ea...